Duracell Hearing Aid batteries provides long lasting high performance both in devices with wireless capabilities and in standard hearing aids. Hear every moment of your life.
Duracell Hearing Aid size 10 batteries: easy to handle and replace, they offer the longevity you need with +50% extra life*.
* vs. EIC Minimum Usage Duration Service hours for cell size 10. Results may vary form device and usage pattern.
Duracell Hearing Aid size 13 batteries: easy to handle and replace, they offer the longevity you need with +50% extra life*.
* vs. EIC Minimum Usage Duration Service hours for cell size 13. Results may vary form device and usage pattern.
Duracell Hearing Aid size 312 batteries: easy to handle and replace, they offer the longevity you need with +50% extra life*.
* vs. EIC Minimum Usage Duration Service hours for cell size 312. Results may vary form device and usage pattern.
Duracell Hearing Aid size 675 batteries: easy to handle and replace, they offer the longevity you need with +50% extra life*.
* vs. EIC Minimum Usage Duration Service hours for cell size 675. Results may vary form device and usage pattern.