Responsible Battery Use, Care and Recycling

Find out how to get the best out of a Duracell battery and learn how to properly recycle them.

Tips for proper battery care and use

  •  Always use the correct size and type of battery specified by the device manufacturer.
  •  Keep battery contact surfaces and battery compartment contacts clean by rubbing them with a clean pencil eraser or a rough cloth each time you replace batteries.
  •  Remove batteries from a device when it is not expected to be in use for several months and while it is being powered by household (AC) current.
  • Make sure that you insert batteries into your device properly, with the + (plus) and – (minus) terminals aligned correctly. CAUTION: Some equipment using more than three batteries may appear to work properly even if one battery is inserted incorrectly.
  • Extreme temperatures reduce battery performance. Store batteries in a dry place at normal room temperature. Do not refrigerate Duracell batteries as this will not make them last longer, and avoid putting battery-powered devices in very warm places.
  • Do not attempt to recharge a battery unless the battery specifically is marked “rechargeable.”
  • Some depleted batteries and batteries that are exposed to extremely high temperatures may leak. A crystalline structure may begin to form on the outside of the battery.

Recycling Batteries With Other Chemistries

Recycling Batteries Icon With Other Chemistries, Lithium, Lithium-Ion, Zinc and LeadRecycling Batteries Icon With Other Chemistries, Lithium, Lithium-Ion, Zinc and Lead

Rechargeable lithium, lithium ion and zinc air batteries should be recycled. In addition to “traditional” rechargeable batteries like AAs or AAAs, rechargeable batteries found in household items such as cameras, cell phones, laptops, and power tools should also be recycled. Look for the battery recycling seals on rechargeable batteries.
Car batteries containing lead should be brought only to waste-management centers, where they can eventually be recycled. Because of the value of battery materials, many auto retailers and service centers will buy back your used car batteries for recycling.
Some retailers often collect batteries and electronics for recycling.

Car batteries containing lead should be brought only to waste-management centers, where they can eventually be recycled. Because of the value of battery materials, many auto retailers and service centers will buy back your used car batteries for recycling.

Some retailers often collect batteries and electronics for recycling.

Disposing of, General Purpose and Alkaline Batteries

The easiest way to dispose of batteries and electronics/electrical equipment is to return them to any store that sells them. Consumers can also dispose their used primary and rechargeable batteries, chargers and PUCS within the collection network which generally includes drop-off facilities at municipal depots, businesses, institutions, etc.

*Make battery recycling part of your overall recycling effort to avoid extra trip increasing your carbon footprint.


4 Duracell's batteries with safety icon reminding on responsible use and proper dispose

Batteries and electronics/electrical equipment sold in the European Union are marked with the following symbol:

Indicating that recycling programs for batteries and small domestic electrical appliances are in place and these articles should not be disposed of in a waste bin.

Duracell Battery Guarantee

We encourage you to recycle packaging as well.
As part of our commitment to preserve the environment, we use only nontoxic inks in our packaging and the majority of our carton packaging is to 85% made of recycled material*. Duracell is committed to technologies that deliver more power and are less hazardous than ordinary zinc carbon batteries. Materials in Duracell batteries such as manganese dioxide, graphite, zinc, tin plated brass, nickel plated steel can be reused. Our leading premium rechargeable AA & AAA batteries can be re-charged hundreds of times.

*Duracell Alkaline shelf packaging

  • 85% recycled material in majority of paper packaging
  • Only battery with unique Power indicator to prevent unnecessary waste
  • All Duracell batteries can be recycled
  • Battery materials can be reused
  • Hundreds of re-charges in Duracell Rechargeable AA & AAA


How Are Batteries Made?

Alkaline batteries have a long and rich history of powering various everyday devices. Chemical engineering…

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Responsible Battery Use, Care And Disposal

Find out how to get the best out of a Duracell battery and learn how to properly recycle them.

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